Friday, August 29, 2014

Time Without Age, Across Centuries.... "Kieres"

Aurelie modeled for me as a body double last night, though we decided in the end she was really just a second character; for another project (secret) that I have been working on for the last several weeks. I am actually simultaneously working on 3 stopmotion animations right now, while trying to get caught up on editing work as well as dealing with regular promotion of my work as an artist & the business side of all that (services).

Tonight, Aurelie (Projet Aeolia) & I began shooting her stop-motion animation for "Kieres". We are really pleased with the work, so beautiful. The song "Kieres" is in Spanish, but we decided to include English translations in a poetic presentation so that we can make the stopmotion animation & the song more accessible to a larger audience outside of the context of those who understand Spanish. We went tonight to the dollar store to find props, specifically we needed butterflies (they used to carry these beautiful feather butterflies that I have only one left from) but couldn't find what we ideally wanted (went to 2 dollar stores) either for style or color so we had to choose from what was available, which that combined with what I already had at home, we ended up being very happy with the results we got.

The translation is roughly;

"If you want, we will cross the centuries/time without age, if you want, we will cross the immensity/space of closely together, I will draw the colour of my love on your soul, I will let you hear the butterfly that is flirting together, to put my hand on yours, to cross our fingers, that you think that mine are yours, sharing our body melted, it inspires me the perfume of your aura, do you feel how my heart is fighting inside my rib cage; Do you want this?"

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