Friday, November 13, 2009

long over due update...

Hey so just signing in on a sleepless night to say that yes, it's true, I have been neglecting my blog.... However, I have a good reason! Life got nuts!! Well actually, it's mostly that I have a compulsion to fill up my life with as much as possible... So of course it was a logical choice to spontaneously decide to full fill a life's dream by creating my first book, giving myself a deadline of one month to create.... Good thing it's an art book and not creative writing... Well, actually, I do have quite a lot of creative writing finished... Many books on the future horizon!

Despite being an art book, this book was alot of work and while I know it's logical to normally take at least a year to make a book, I of course, decided to try to challenge myself (not that creating a book isn't challenging regardless of deadlines)... I have been working around the clock, literally, for the past month, sometimes 12 and 16 hour days on this book and I made the deadline by the hair of my chinny chin chin.... There is some poetry in it, and writings about the images, but mostly images...

I can't believe I have actually created my first book! I will see my second proof today; hopefully I don't have more edits to do (fingers crossed).....

Despite all my run on sentences and lots of ..... that I lean towards when writing informally; I do make the effort to use proper english and sentence structure in this book. The book is well written and thanks to my awesome friend Allison Ryan, it's been edited and approved by said editor! Yeah!

Now I shall try to sleep....

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