At last, I am making time to update my blog. There has been so much going on, not all of it interesting in terms of blogging, but certainly enough to keep me busy and not always able to update this blog! It is my intention to get back into regular blogging, I quite enjoy it and it's a great way to share with friends, family and strangers interested in my adventures, especially once I head out on my next big trip; Hong-Kong!!
Last sunday, Feb 21st,
we did the photo shoot for the contest winners for the temporary glitter tattoos. I will be putting the video-journal together over the next few days from that shoot. The photos turned out lovely; (photo by Pierre Simard) I am just going through them right now, there are over 800 photos! I will post a few soon. I just have to pick which ones I wish to use and do a little photo-editing (I figure cleaning up pimples is justified since we don't have pimples all the time, just sometimes).
I did a full head to foot body painting on friday, for a client that is a big sports fan. This contract was booked in the fall, so it has long been
anticipated. The client wanted to have body painted jeans &; a hockey shirt; it turned out fabulous!
(Kiss Band Clients from Halloween)
Another set of clients I had over the weekend was for a family that wanted to be turned into the Kiss Band, based off what they had seen me do for another family back at Halloween, only this time it was for a masquarade. Turned out great! The family was happy and I must say the daughter was very good at immitating Gene Simmons tongue!
Nuit Blanche
Saturday was Nuit Blanche, otherwise known as "White Night". I love Nuit Blanche, it's one of the rare times in the winter when really the entire city is out and about, very much like New Years Eve but even better. All the art galleries, musuems, stores and other places of interest are open as late as 2am or 4am. It's the only time of the year I can go visit the contemporary art musuem at midnight! I love it! The city challenges people to stay up all night, they even offer free metro & buses all night! It's great! Most of it's free too. This year I walked for 6 hours around the city with my boyfriend, cousin & his girlfriend. We went to the Architect Museum, the McCord Museum to see the "Irish in Montreal" exhibition, had a pint at the Irish pub around the corner, glimpsed a bit of the "underground art" on our way to the bathrooms, then headed towards Old Montreal in the hopes of going through the Labrynth but when we saw how nuts the line up was, we decided instead to just wander a bit, eventually heading over to the Hilton Hotel where we had tickets for the "Swimming under the Stars" on the top of the hotel in their heated pool. The pool wasn't as warm as advertised, it was just warm enough to make sure you weren't cold, but not so warm that you wanted to stay for a long time, at least not unless you are like me and decided to swim aggressively under the water, which I quite enjoyed, until the drunken youth nearby decided to start playing "marco pollo" in the pool. What I liked about this pool is that we were surrounded by trees that were planted at the top of the building, and the pool is much much deeper, if it hadn't been winter, and if the pool hadn't had drunk people in it, it would have been nice to do some diving. I had tons of fun and was completely delighted by the fact that I was swimming outside in winter until 4am. We ended our night by doing something completely unhealthy but very Quebecer, poutine!!
Prank Calls?
So to finish off todays blog posting, I am going to leave you with some prank phone calls by a young Irish girl, known as nine year old Rebecca Barry from Dublin, ‘Little Becky’ used to be a regular for listeners of Dublins’s 98FM breakfast show; from the internet research I have done, it doesn't seem that she is doing the show anymore. I believe at this time she would be around 11 years old, but at the time of the recordings she was approx. 8 years old.
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