Busy busy like a bee, I am.... so here is a little preview of my world and what I am creating these days.... Asides from alot of computer work; answering client inquiries, preparing for bookings, preparing proposals, information & research.... In my spare time I am in the studio...
This art is not finished... seems I will prepare several exhibitions; as an artist should. I have had a recent meeting with an experienced and successful gallery owner whom provided me with some very real insight and observations of my work, strengths, weaknesses, areas of growth... Anyways, so it seems I need to narrow my focus... the big exhibition for 2009 is evolving; when I have solid plans, I will "let the cat out the bag" but for now, I shall experiment....
These works you see are just in the beginning stages with only the base looks having been applied; I have not decided which direction I am taking them in.